Loans and Credit Cards

Home Equity Loans

The equity you have in your home is a valuable resource. It's an asset that can be put to use with a Home Equity Line of Credit from Hendricks County Bank. Home Equity Lines provide financial convenience. By using the value built up in your home, you can access cash whenever you need it -- for whatever reason. Once your credit line is established, you determine how much of the line to use.

Auto Loans

Whether you are looking for a new vehicle or one that's new to you, HCBT can help you purchase the car, truck, van or SUV of your choice.  With flexible terms, payments can be arranged to fit your income and your budget.

Calculate your Loan Payment

Credit Cards

Accepted around the town and around the globe, the Hendricks County Bank MasterCard and VISA take you wherever you want to go. A low fixed rate and no annual fee make these cards the best deal in town. To view your current HCBT credit card activity, pay your bill or review your current or past statements- click here:


Reward yourself with great merchandise and travel rewards through the HCBT ScoreCard Reward Program!  Did you know that you can earn Bonus Points for every qualifying net dollar you spend with your HCBT Visa or MasterCard?  You can then turn your purchases into amazing Merchandise, Travel or Experience rewards! ScoreCard has it all! We are continually updating our reward options so you'll have the latest and greatest rewards to choose from. So, go ahead, login, have fun searching the rewards, create your own personal wish list, and most importantly, be sure to visit often!  

ScoreCard Reward

Personal Loans

We make loans for practically any reason:  emergencies, vacations, school tuition or any other worthwhile purpose.  Hendricks County Bank can help arrange terms to fit your budget.

Equal Housing Lender


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surcharge-free ATM

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HCBT is part of the Allpoint ATM Network. No fees, no hassle just like at a HCBT ATM.

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